Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Point of Retreat / This Girl - by Colleen Hoover

Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2)

Hardships and heartache brought them together…now it will tear them apart. 

Layken and Will have proved their love can get them through anything; until someone from Will’s past re-emerges, leaving Layken questioning the very foundation on which their relationship was built. Will is forced to face the ultimate challenge…how to prove his love for a girl who refuses to stop ‘carving pumpkins.

Jul's 5 Star Review!!! 

Point of Retreat has to be one of my favorite books to date.
Will’s POV was sweet and endearing. I couldn’t get enough of it. His love for Lake and his family was heartfelt and I fell for him once again in this story. He may not have made the best choices but no ones perfect. He really did the best he could to work on the relationship, as dysfunctional as it was, with Lake and their brothers. Its not easy being so young and having to parent your siblings.

Lake really has a skewed way of looking at the relationship she and Will have. Yes they both lost their parents and yes they both have brothers to look after and yes they are both still very young, but that isn’t why Will loves her. He loved her before all of it. Before the death of Julia, before Lake knew anything about him. It was like the planets finally aligned when they met. Will knows it but it will take a lot to convince the stubborn Lake to realize what she already knows and feels.

They are tested once again and Will is hanging by a single thread. Lake is fighting to hold on to her life. He just got her back and for her to leave when he finally got her to be with him has to be a cruel joke.

My heart broke for them both. All the loss and hurt and the huge responsibilities that were given to them at such a young age. Yet they pull through because their love bound and wrap it all.

LOVED this book!!!


Jen's 5 Star Review!!!  

This book was BUTTERFLYING amazing!!

This story takes off shortly after the first one ends - they're finally happy and in love and all is well -

Will and Lake are registering for classes, but their schedules clash. They are home on separate days - and with the boys around all the time, their alone time is suffering.

They had made a promise to Lake's mom before she passed away to wait until they were together for a whole year before they .... proceeded with their desires. It isn't easy, but they manage - out of respect for her mother.

Will goes to class on his first day of school and runs into an old friend... ok THE old friend that Will was with for 2 years before his parents died - THE old friend who crushed his heart 2 weeks after his parents died by saying she didn't want the responsibility of raising Coulder - yeah - the Bitch :)

Anyways - Will deflects her and lets her know right away he's seeing someone, and it's serious, and he doesn't want to hang out with her.
But she has other plans -

Will decides not to tell Lake about her. Not because he's doing anything wrong, but because he doesn't want to upset her over something that he's already taken care of. He told her he didn't want her to be friends with him, so what's the big deal.

Yeah we all know that's going to come back and bite him in the butt. And it does - BIG TIME!

Lake is so furious and upset, she starts questioning everything about their relationship. After all, her mother taught her to always ask questions.

Will is scared to death and he is afraid he's going to lose the one good thing he has in his life!

What's a guy to do??

i really enjoyed this one - it was so much more than the typical guy and girl and ex girlfriend type story - This book was told in Will's POV - and it was really great getting inside his head.

We meet a couple new people in this book - Holy Cow when you meet Kiersten, you're going to fall in love with her! She's the cutest, sassiest 11 year old girl out there!!
And her Butterfly You really touched me. I shared it with a lot of friends :)

Really cute story - I'm so happy the 3rd book just came out!!!


This Girl (Slammed, #3)

There are two sides to every love story. Now hear Will’s.

Colleen Hoover’s New York Times bestselling Slammed series has brought countless readers to their knees with a whirlwind of love, passion, and heartache. 

Layken and Will’s love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances and the young lovers, now married, are beginning to feel safe and secure in their union. As much as Layken relishes their new life together, she finds herself wanting to know everything there is to know about her husband, even though Will makes it clear he prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong. Still, he can’t resist his wife’s pleas and so he begins to untangle his side of the story, revealing for the first time his most intimate feelings and thoughts, retelling both the good and bad moments, and sharing a few shocking confessions of his own from the time when they first met.

In This Girl, Will tells the story of their complicated relationship from his point of view. Their future rests on how well they deal with the past in this final installment of the beloved Slammed series.

Jen's Review - 

I probably would have given this more points if i didn't read all 3 books back to back - I should have waited a little while before reading this one. It was pretty much the first book told in Will's POV

But Colleen Hoover wrote it out in a way that really impressed me.
Instead of just re-writing the whole book in his POV - She changed it to him telling his story to Lake on their honeymoon.

He goes into details from the first time he saw her in the U-Haul, to the first time he found out she was his student.
We got a little glimps of his relationship with Gavin, and a few stupid things Will did that he didn't want to do, but did anyways .
We learn that he knew about things about her mother before she did, and he couldn't tell her the truth.
We learned what really happened that night with Javiar ... Different sides of point of views for the same story, it really changes the story for you.

I think Lake blew a few things out of proportion when she got mad at him a few times, but for the most part, they seemed to really enjoy their honeymoon. Yes they were in bed almost the whole time, kissing here and there, hot time in the pool :) but that's about as graphic as it gets.

I really enjoyed reading this series - the first two books are defiantly going to be on my read again shelf - and I'll be recommending this series to my friends :)

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